
Monday, October 24, 2005

Cherchez Les Chats

Those who know me won't have to of course... This is a test posting to see if this blog thingy works!



..................... said...

It works better than my first one which was a real long and lost someplace out there is cyberspace. I write now everything on my Appleworks and than copy and past.

Benedict 16th said...

meow! purr purrr purrrrrr.

Benedict 16th said...

Est-ce que c'est vous? Cliquetez ici.

Tournee Du Chat Noir said...

Oui, c'est moi. Merci Beaucoup pour l'image! That's enough French, my mind's gone blanque! Hi Schauml, you read FW's blog don't you? Benny, when are you going to the Hilton? I'd be jealous but I'm going to the Melbourne one next week!

Benedict 16th said...

¡Ola! Me Amiga, ¿Comme est-ta?

Juanita said...

Ah, damn! I knew I should have taken French in high school!